人什 Bad Taste (1987)

(Movie Clips)
Bad Taste is the first full feature film that Peter Jackson directed. Work started in 1983. What was originally intended to be a fifteen-minute short, progressed into a ninety-two minute, full blown feature film!
The film took nearly 4 years to make, the crew (made up of jackson's friends) working over weekends and holidays to get it completed. The crew had to put up with a very limited budget.
The majority of the money came from peter jacksons job at the local paper. Originally the movie was recorded on 16mm film, which was blown up to 35 mm for the final cinematic version. The film is a testament to what can be done with a small budget and a lot of dedication.
The film has special effects that were simply constructed (the knife through the head was just made out of card and had a tube in it that squirted out fake blood!) An intresting scene to see is when peter wrestles with himself on the cliff face, a very dangerous shot to shoot peter has said.
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