Sunday, December 27, 2009

Eraserhead (1977)


導演:David Lynch
主演:Jack Nance . Charlotte Stewart . Allen Joseph
國家/地區: 美國
發行公司: 哥倫比亞三星家庭視頻公司
上映日期: 1977年3月19日 美國
在一個工業小鎮上,巨大的機器總是在不停地在運轉著,冒著滾滾濃煙,發出轟鳴的噪音,無法從中逃脫。 亨利·斯班瑟就住在小鎮上的一棟房子裡,像其他人一樣,似乎被整個世界所遺棄。電燈閃爍明滅著,亨利唯一的樂趣就是聽和看水箱裡的女人唱關於在天堂裡找到快樂的歌。亨利有一個女朋友叫瑪莉·X,她經常會突發痙攣。瑪莉給亨利生了一個孩子,那是一個可怕的怪胎。然後瑪莉也離家出走,受盡這個可怕的怪物的折磨的亨利最終選擇了肢解掉這個自己所生的恐怖的孩子。

Monday, December 21, 2009

人咬狗 Man Bites Dog (1992)

Documentary filmmakers Andre and Remy have found an ideal subject in Ben. He is witty, sophisticated, intelligent, well-liked -- and a serial killer. As Andre and Remy record Ben's routines, they become increasingly entwined in his vicious program, sacrificing both their objectivity and their morality. Controversial winner of the International Critics' Prize at the 1992 Cannes Film Festival, Man Bites Dog stunned audiences worldwide with its unflinching imagery and biting satire of media violence.

滿清十大酷刑 A Chinese Torture Chamber Story

演員: 翁虹 吳啟華 黃光亮 苑瓊丹

導演: 林慶隆

監製: 王晶


Saturday, December 19, 2009

吸血殭屍 Dracula - The Legacy Collection

undead, undead, Bela Lugosi dead~~~

吸血殭屍 Dracula (1931)

導演︰托布朗寧 Tod Browning   



Dracula - Spanish Version (1931)

Filmed simultaneously with the English language version, the Spanish version of Dracula is a completely different, yet equally ominous vision of the horror classic. Utilizing the same sets and identical script, cinematographer George Robinson and a vibrant cast including Carlos Villarias and Lupita Toward deliver this chilling and evocative tale.

Dracula's Daughter (1936)

Picking up where Dracula left off, Dr. Von Helsing (Edward Van Sloan), thinking he has rid London of all vampires, is instead arrested for murder. Meanwhile, the beautiful and mysterious Countess Marya Zaleska (Gloria Holden) appears in London seeking the understanding Dr. Garth (Otto Kruger), Von Helsing's psychiatrist. A mysterious sequence of events leads Von Helsing and Garth to set off to Transylvania after the elusive countess and to rescue Garth's beautiful fianc (Marguerite Churchill) in this classic thriller.

Son of Dracula (1943)

Lon Chaney Jr. dons a cape as Count Alucard (that's Dracula spelled backward), the bloodthirsty son of the famous Transylvanian vampire. And when a beautiful Southern girl, Katherine (Louise Allbritton), invites him to the U.S., they both set out to satisfy their unquenchable thirst for human blood with nocturnal killings of unsuspecting neighbors and relatives. Despite the heroic efforts of her fianc? Robert Paige, Katherine falls under the spell of the evil Count in Son of Dracula, director Robert Siodmak's excursion into the horror genre.

House of Dracula(1945)

House of Dracula is one of the greatest feats for monster-lovers ever created! They're all here - The Wolf Man, Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, angry Villagers, even a hunchback assistant! And they all have momentous plans of their own in this entertaining frightmare treat.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hagop Hovnatanian (1967)

An early short directed by Sergei Paradjanov (The Color Of Pomegranates)

Exploring the art of Armenian portraitist Hakob Hovnatanyan, Parajanov revives the culture of Tbilisi of the 19th century.

The Evil Dead (1982)

TV Spots - 1

TV Spots - 2

1979年,名不見經傳的小導演森.雷米(Sam Raimi)聯合幾個大學同學,從投資商手中籌集了大約37萬美元,耗時三個月拍成了《屍變》,最初定名為「Book Of Dead」,但後來改成了「Evil Dead」。影片通過對屍體千變萬化後變成魔鬼玩弄人的描述,將一幕幕毛骨悚然的場面充斥觀眾的眼前,1981年在美國上映時出人意料地獲得青少年追捧,並在康城影展中獲得很高的評價,成為新一代Cult電影代表作。看過的人卻絕對忘不了劇中男主角Ash一手帶著鏈鋸、另一手持霰彈槍,殺入群魔亂舞的敵陣中萬鬼莫敵的勇猛模樣。

一群年輕人到山上的小屋度假,卻碰上厲鬼現身。很平淡無奇的劇情,但森.雷米將那種惡心恐怖的趣味用到最高點,解肢、斷頭、大量的血漿,可說是感官刺激的極致,而緊張氣氛的運用得宜,將這部恐怖片的八址年代式的青春氣息的恐怖襯托的十分夠味。但這部電影不光是全部都是赤裸裸的令人嘔吐的血腥鏡頭,它所營造的恐怖場面和氛圍也堪稱一流,可以說從影片一開始就就讓你精神高度集中及緊張,還有很多鏡頭運動的手法也是影片用來營造恐怖氣氛的一個關鍵因素,在片中 鏡頭有時似乎變成了魔鬼的眼睛,隨著它的身體在移動。

殺しの烙印 Branded to Kill (1967)

~~~ 鈴 木 清 順 ~~~

Seijun Suzuki's last film for Nikkatsu, Branded to Kill is the wildly perverse story of the yakuza's rice-sniffing "Number Three Killer." Sleazy yet elegant, Branded to Kill deconstructs gangster cliches and eluded censorship by the Japanese film board with its inventive use of framing and mattes. From a cookie-cutter studio script, Suzuki delivered this brutal, hilarious and visually inspired masterpiece--and was promptly fired.

S.S. Hell Camp (1977)

A Terrifying Story of Violence andiMadness
Meet the diabolical Dr. Krast, a sadistic female Nazi scientist who makes Ilsa The She Wolf look like Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman! She creates a barbaric, sex-crazed Neanderthal beast that feeds upon the beautiful women tossed into its cage! The demented dive doctor will stop at nothing to further her series of shocking and depraved experiments on human guinea pigs. Can the partisan forces fight the Nazis, liberate the prison camp and put an end to the doctor's scientific atrocities in time to save the beast's next human meal?

黑唇凶吻 Black Kiss (2004)

《Black Kiss》是被稱為視覺論者(Visualist)的手塚真的最新作品。手塚真是已故漫畫巨人手塚治虫的兒子,自出道開始便以創作恐怖電影為主,此外也參與PV、廣告、舞台等創作和演出,早前更成功把手塚治虫名作《怪醫黑傑克》搬上電視,獲得好評如潮。這次手塚真回歸原點,務求在銀幕上向觀眾徹底展示其獨特的恐怖視覺美學。。主要演員包括《亡國Aegis》、《第三凶間》的安藤政信,曾主演中國內地電視劇《江山美人》、《俠影仙蹤》的橋本麗香,樂隊「SORROW」的主音川村Kaori,演而優則導的松岡俊介等。加上小田切讓、小島聖、Anji等的傾力演出,讓你更貼近一步一驚心的「Black Kiss」世界。
東京市中心一所時鐘酒店發生駭人命案,女受害者只剩下一隻手指在浴缸,男死者則被人取去內臟。年輕模特兒明日香到東京發展事業,住進前模特兒香純的寓所。一晚,她在家附近的酒店目擊一宗謀殺案,由於視線很不清楚,她不能確認兇手的身份,只覺得她疑似香純昔日的同房。殘酷的謀殺接連發生,屍體的「呈現」方式一具比一具有創意,宛如抽象的藝術品 - 插入眼球的紅玫瑰;縫在皮膚上的巫術紋身圖案;斬首斷肢;鐵線纏肉……兇徒每次都會在屍體上留下一個黑的唇印作記號……由於不少模特兒朋友都死去,外界都盛傳香純是「惡魔」。一件又一件迷離的巧合事件,串連幾個神秘人物 - 明日香新認織的攝影師、調查兇案的探員、憤世嫉俗的香純、她的孖生妹妹和前同房……究竟是誰留下這些變態的黑唇印?

Father of a Soldier

Directors : Rezo Chkheidze

Russian Cinema Council Collection.

The unnaturalness of war for humans, who are toilers and creators, is demonstrated through the life story of and old peasant wine-grower from Georgia. Georgy Makharashvili is on his way to see his son, a wounded soldier staying in the hospital. But before the father makes it to the hospital, the son has already left for the front. However, Georgy cannot go back to his village. Together with the Soviet Army, he goes all the way to Berlin, to the victory over Fascism.

Ashik Kerib (1988)

Directors : Sergei Paradjanov

From Sergei Paradjanov (The Legend Of Suram Fortess, Shadows Of Forgotten Ancestors) one of the most acclaimed and experimental directors of the Soviet cinema, comes Ashik Kerib, a 19th century romantic tale evocatively brought to life.

Lermontov's famous fable tells of Ashik Kerib, the wandering minstrel who is trying to earn enough money to marry the girl he loves. But when the father of his beloved spurns him, Ashik is foced to roam the land for 1,001 nights. In recounting the story, Paradjanov boldly dispenses with conventional storytelling decives. Ashik Kerib is a series of glorious tableaux, exquisitely composed, choreographed and photographed. In addition, Paradjanov combines intertitles with images of early Russian artwork, which are then overlaid with a haunting blend of traditional and contemporary musical forms.

Ashik Kerib was Paradjanov's last completed feature film, and it was dedicated to Andrei Tarkovsky, the director's close personal friend, who had died just two years earlier. Stylistically stunning, it is a unique and unforgettable cinematic experience.

血光鬼影奪命刀 Don't Look Now (1973)

建築師 John Baxtar (當奴蘇打蘭飾 ) 和妻子 Laura (茱莉姬絲蒂飾 )一同到威尼斯工作旅行以圖抹去喪女之痛。John 在那兒找到一份修葺古老教堂的工作,而 Laura 則遇上一對神秘的年老姊妹。自此一連串靈異事件連隨發生。姊妹自稱能和他們死去的女兒通靈,Laura 為此極度沉迷。John 覺得妻子心理狀況有異,懷疑姊妹倆弄虛作假,旨在蠱惑人心。直至他看到一個穿紅色雨衣、類似小孩的「物體」之後,便深受這個影像困擾,不能自拔...最後導致可怖的悲慘結局...

The Legend of the Suram Fortress (1984)

Directors : Sergei Paradjanov

Inspired by an ancient Russian folk tale and adapted from the novella by Daniel Chongadze, The Legend Of Suram Fortress is a dazzling film by visionary director Sergei Paradjanov (Ashik Kerib, Shadows Of Forgotten Ancestors).

As the story opens, repeated efforts by the Georgian people to construct a defensive stronghold continually fail. The building they are laboring to complete collapses, but then a fortune teller remembers an old prophecy: In order for the fortress to stand, the son of her erstwhile lover must be bricked up inside the structure - alive. The young man is faced with the prospect of sacrificing himself to save his homeland.

Filled with vivid and unforgettable imagery, The Legend Of Suram Fortress is a surreal ode to the Georgian warriors throughout the ages who died for their country.

活跳屍 Re-Animator (1985)

Directors : Stuart Gordon

根據美國恐怖奇幻小說作家H·P·洛夫克拉夫特(H. P. Lovecraft)的小說《赫勃特·威斯特:活跳屍》(Herbert West:Re-Animator)改編。


The Illusionist 魔幻至尊 (台)

Nothing is What it Seems.

Directors : Neil Burger

在20世紀初期的維也納,技巧超凡的魔術師艾森瀚 (愛德華諾頓 飾)在舞台上再度遇見了久違的初戀情人蘇菲(潔西卡貝兒 飾),二人戀曲復燃,無奈蘇菲即將與野心勃勃的皇室王子結親,他倆只能私通款曲;同時,警探烏爾(保羅吉爾麥提 飾)也在王子的授權下,意欲揭發艾森瀚的幻術真相,企圖將艾森瀚逮捕入獄。重重的艱險和不幸接踵而至,艾森瀚不顧眼前危機,決定施展神秘的魔幻法術,追求正義和所愛……

棒下不留情 Boiling Point (1990)

棒下不留情 Boiling Point (原名 : 3 - 4 x 10 月)

Director: Takeshi Kitano  


小心惡警 Violent Cop (1989)

演員 & 導演 : 北野武


運滯馬騮 Unlucky Monkey (1998)

Writers & Directors : Sabu

離魂異客 Dead Man (1995)

你 看 見 死 亡 的 顏 色 嗎 ?
導演:占渣木殊 Jim Jarmusch
演員:尊尼特普 Johnny Depp