Sunday, February 15, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
人什 Bad Taste (1987)

(Movie Clips)
Bad Taste is the first full feature film that Peter Jackson directed. Work started in 1983. What was originally intended to be a fifteen-minute short, progressed into a ninety-two minute, full blown feature film!
The film took nearly 4 years to make, the crew (made up of jackson's friends) working over weekends and holidays to get it completed. The crew had to put up with a very limited budget.
The majority of the money came from peter jacksons job at the local paper. Originally the movie was recorded on 16mm film, which was blown up to 35 mm for the final cinematic version. The film is a testament to what can be done with a small budget and a lot of dedication.
The film has special effects that were simply constructed (the knife through the head was just made out of card and had a tube in it that squirted out fake blood!) An intresting scene to see is when peter wrestles with himself on the cliff face, a very dangerous shot to shoot peter has said.
Braindead (1992)

Mother's boy Lionel Cosgrove is 25 and never been kissed until he meets the beautiful Paquita. But Lionel's bizarre family includes a cannibalistic mother and Selwyn, the infant from Hell. For the loving couple their relationship is the beginning of an endless nightmare!
Braindead is the Third film directed by Peter Jackson, and is the second film in which he played a cameo appearance (look out for the Undertaker's crazy assistant). Starring Timothy Balme as Lionel Cosgrove, this film is a comical, gore feast, zombie flick. The farcical nature of the film is the reason that the British and Australian critics left the original uncut, they didn't see that anyone would take it seriously! Unfortuantly in Germany the film was seriously cut.
The budget of $3 million allowed Jackson to experiment with some particularly gruesome effects, above all the grand finale, the flymo! (Over 300 liters of blood were pumped out of that lethal piece of lawn care equipment!) In fact Jackson's favorite scene, the baby in the park, was only shot because there was some money left in the budget.
Just how did they achieve all that gore? with pork fat, latex, sisal, polyfoam, human hair, ultra slime and hundreds of gallons of maple syrup!

Brain Dead Vs Dead Alive
1. Braindead opens with a closeup of the New Zealand flag, which then changes to the Queen riding accross a courtyard, finishing with a close up her on horseback. God Save The Queen is playing in the background. The opening sequence in Sumatra that begins Dead Alive follows.
2. After Lionel agrees to let Les have the money and the house, we see the music for the party get turned on and Void breaking free from his bonds. In Braindead a party guest lets Void out of the basement, and for his trouble gets headbutted.
3. During the party Void enters the living room and attacks a guest. Lionel intervenes by hitting Void around the head with a Jack Daniels bottle and then pours the contents down Voids throat.
4. After the Zombies have been let out of the basement, there is a short sequence where a guest with glasses is chased around a room by 2 zombies before he is finally caught and bitten. (In Dead Alive you can see the very end of this sequence just before the camera switches to Paquita stabbing a bag of tomatoes in the airing cupboard.)
5. After Lionel has bitten through the intestine and falls onto a zomies head, in Dead Alive we move onto Les killing zombie by "rolling" it to death in a clothes press. In Braindead Lionel is confronted by the vicar & nurse zombies who impail each other on a pitch fork and continue to have sex.
6. In Braindead there is approximately 16 seconds of extra gore in the lawnmower sequence where we see Lionel hack up numerous zombies, see the demise of the vicar and the nurse (whilst still in the middle of making love) and see Lional kicking body parts towards Paquita to be put into the food mixer.
7. Just before Lionel makes his entrance with the lawnmower, Paquita and friend (the one with glasses) are attacked by Voids legs (cut off in the bathroom scene) and a horde of zombies. Paquita and the girl grab a leg each and rip them apart. They then use these limbs to attack any zombie that comes near them.
8. At the mother's funeral, uncle Les is seen walking down the church isle and sits down behind Paquita. A conversation in which Les tries to hit on Paquita follows, which is unsuccessful. Paquita then stands up and sits away from Les.
9. When the zombie baby first apears it attacks Lionel but is unsuccesful as its umbilical cord gets caught up on a nail. This scene is not present in the unrated american version.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Meet the Feebles (1989)

"An undeniable sick delight... you're not likely to see another movie like this ever again." EMPIRE
"It's rude, it's lewd, it's set to be a huge cult hit... the wildest puppet film yet." DAILY SPORT

After the success of Bad Taste, Peter Jackson, together with Frances Walsh and Stephen Sinclair wrote a script for a film called 'Meet the Feebles'. This film is best described as 'The Muppets on Drugs'. Made in 1989, the film was budgeted with money made from Bad Taste, and from the New Zealand Film Commission. It took only twelve weeks to make. Unfortuantly filming wasn't going smoothly. The team were getting behind schedule which meant that they couldn't reach the deadline set. So when the NZFC asked to submit the film, they submitted what they had done and secretly broke into the studio at night and finished off making the movie, submitting what they had done under another name: 'Frogs of War'.